Sunday, January 22, 2012

My daughter, also my friend

We've all seen the T-shirts. posters and pillows with that sentiment on them.  I am so happy and proud to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! to DEB.  She is indeed my friend and also my daughter.

We share a love of the beach

Our traditional Mother's Day - our feet in the sand

 We also share a love of "making stuff".  Maybe art, maybe just a big mess!  We laugh at nonsense.  She is my muse, biggest fan (and I am hers), and my daughter and friend
Next week she is coming for a visit!  And her prediction will come true - at least a bit.  When she was little, maybe three years old, she would stomp her foot and say "When I'm the Mother and YOU are a little girl - - -" (fill in the blanks).  So now she tells me to clean my room, comb my hair, etc.  Just a glimpse of role reversal to come.
But - I musta' done something right to have such a fun and creative daughter.  Some say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  But I think this one came from across the orchard and found me.
See a glimpse of who she is on her blog.
So, Deb, Have a really good day - Can't wait to see you.  


deb did it said...

Oh I can't wait to walk, giggle create and boss you around next week! Love, love you...and thanks for being my Mom!!

robin. said...

two peas in a pod!! happy birthday deb and great job mom!!!

Hashi said...

I love your daughter too!

Mary Helen Franko said...

I love watching your posts. You were one of the most creative back at Camp Fire. Now, it's just for fun. Enjoy!

Kim Mailhot said...

Oh, you two are so cute together ! I am very close to my mom too and it is wonderful to be with her and have mom/daughter/friend to friend time ! I wish ours was at the beach like you too ! ;-)
Enjoy your time !

Sassy Trash said...

What a sweet blog! You two are both blessed! You can see the love in Deb's eyes when she talks about you!

airhart therapy said...

Two amazing women with so much creativity and sassiness! I miss you and remember fondly our times together at Village Creek.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your amazing fortunate and FUN for you both to have this fantastic relationship!!


Meg Doyle said...

What a gorgeous tribute to such a wonderful lady!!! I am a friend of Deb's in Texas. I spent a girl's weekend with her recently and she "painted" a lovely image of you in my mind. I hope someday our paths will cross! Happy Birthday, Deb!!! Enjoy your time with your mom!!! CHEERS!

Nancy Sullivan said...

Lyn, just found your blog courtesy of Deb- love your style!

turquoise cro said...

Is she there yet?!!! I'll come back to visit when I have more time, that brie looks yummy!!!

Paritosho said...

Hello Lyn...I am a friend of Deb's from Texas. I love your blog--heartfelt and fun. Isn't it the best to share!